General Recommendations
There are some general guidelines to consider for riparian areas.
Some Beneficial Management Practices when interacting with riparian areas include:
Minimize or avoid activities that disturb the bed and bank of waterbodies.
Ensure that activities in riparian areas do not create exposed or bare ground. Maintaining plant cover increases shoreline stability, water filtration, and erosion control.
Minimize or avoid activities that compact the soil, such as driving heavier vehicles in riparian areas or allowing grazing in these areas (especially during wet periods).
Leave shorelines natural and don’t remove trees or plants.
Encourage deep-rooted native riparian plants to reduce erosion. Disturbance-caused plants or invasive plants have shallow root systems that may not be able to prevent erosion.
When using riparian areas for recreation, grazing, or other activities, ensure that you are not having a noticeable impact on these areas.