Why are riparian areas important?
Ecological Functions: Riparian areas support
the health of the ecosystem.
The above content was provided by Cows and Fish. For more info,
please go to https://cowsandfish.org/ecology-function/
Promotes plant growth
Reduces and dissipates energy
Filters & buffers water
Stores water and energy
Maintains biodiversity
Builds and maintains banks and shorelines
Traps and stores sediment
“When you consider the many ecological goods and services that riparian areas contribute to the ecosystem, you begin to realize that this small percentage of the land base in Alberta is in a class of its own.”
— Central Alberta Farmer
Goods and Services: Riparian areas
benefit people and communities.
Hunting and angling opportunities
Groundwater well security
Water storage
Recreational, cultural or wildlife viewing opportunities
Erosion and sedimentation control
Increased resiliency to flood and drought
drinking water
Livestock shelter, forage and grazing opportunities